
Dungeons Pop - Immersive Pop-Up Tabletop RPG Battle Maps

Created by Jon Irons

Pop-up Battle Map Terrain for Tabletop RPGs Like D&D & More! Instantly Level Up Your Tabletop Games With 3D Maps That Unfold in Seconds

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Discover "Zoo Mafia RPG" on Kickstarter!
9 months ago – Fri, Dec 08, 2023 at 12:23:17 PM

Hi everyone,

I'm thrilled to share a fantastic new Kickstarter project by my friend Dave Friant from "Zoo Mafia RPG." This inventive game, set in a prohibition-era zoo, lets players navigate a thrilling criminal underworld as various animals. It's based on the Powered by the Apocalypse framework, promising a rich blend of narrative depth and strategic gameplay.

Be quick to catch the early bird offer, including exclusive dice, within the first 48 hours. Dive into this immersive RPG by checking out the Kickstarter here: Zoo Mafia RPG Kickstarter

Happy gaming!

Jon & the Dungeons Pop Team

November Update
10 months ago – Sun, Nov 19, 2023 at 04:26:36 PM

Dear Backers,

I want to start by extending my heartfelt apologies for the lack of updates since September. Your patience and understanding during this time have been deeply appreciated, and I regret any concern or inconvenience caused by my absence.

I've recently faced a series of personal and professional challenges, including pressing family matters and unforeseen work disruptions. These have significantly impacted my ability to communicate with you, and for that, I am genuinely sorry.

Today, I need to share an important update regarding our shipping timeline. For the first time in my 15 Kickstarter campaigns, we are facing a delay. The Dungeons Pop battle maps, initially scheduled for shipping by December, are now expected to be shipped between March and May 2024.

This postponement is not a decision taken lightly. It stems from a necessary shift to a new manufacturing partner, undertaken to ensure the high-quality standards we've set for our product. This change, while critical for product integrity, has regrettably extended our production timeline.

I want to reassure you that, despite this setback, progress is continuing. We are actively working to mitigate further delays and are committed to making up for the lost time. My dedication to this project and to you, our backers, remains unwavering. While this is the first time I've missed a shipping deadline in my Kickstarter experience, I am as determined as ever to ensure the fulfillment and success of Dungeons Pop.

Your understanding and continued support are more valuable than ever. I am dedicated to bringing this project to fruition and am confident that the final product will be worth the wait.

Moving forward, I will keep you more regularly updated on our progress. Thank you for your trust and patience as we navigate these challenges together.

Warmest regards,

Jon & the tiny Dungeons Pop Team

September Update! Including Sneak Peek Progress Photos
12 months ago – Thu, Sep 21, 2023 at 01:17:52 PM

We're here with some thrilling news about the progress of our Kickstarter campaign. Thanks to your unwavering support, we've reached incredible heights. As we dive into the details, please know how deeply grateful we are for your part in making Dungeons Pop a reality!

Progress Update: We're excited to report that we're currently in the final stages of preparing all the designs for production. This is a significant step forward in bringing your immersive battle maps to life.

Delivery Timelines: We understand that you're eagerly awaiting your physical and digital products, and we're just as excited to get them into your hands. While we can't provide exact dates just yet, we want to assure you that we're working diligently to refine our production and logistics processes. Over the next month, we expect to have more precise delivery timelines to share with you. We're committed to ensuring that your patience and support are rewarded with a product that exceeds your expectations.

A Sneak Peek: In the meantime, we want to tantalize your imagination. Here are some in-progress images of our battle maps, giving you a glimpse of the immersive world we're crafting for your RPG adventures:

What's Next for Dungeons Pop? As we move forward, we'll continue to keep you updated on our progress and share more exciting developments. We're thrilled to have you with us on this journey, and we're dedicated to delivering a product that enhances your gaming experiences.

Stay Connected:For the latest news and behind-the-scenes glimpses, be sure to follow us on social media. We're on Facebook and Twitter.

Questions or Thoughts?If you have any questions or would like to share your thoughts, please don't hesitate to reach out. We value your input and are here to assist.

Once again, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your unwavering support. Together, we're shaping the future of RPG adventures!

Warmest Regards,

Jon, Crosshead, and the Dungeons Pop Team"

A wee peek behind the Dungeons Pop curtain 👀
about 1 year ago – Mon, Aug 14, 2023 at 02:41:39 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Surveys Are on the Way! – Plus, Dice Giveaway on Twitch Tonight!
about 1 year ago – Tue, Jun 20, 2023 at 05:21:46 PM

The Backer Kit Surveys are on the way!

The funds you pledged during the campaign have been magically transformed into credit within BackerKit and you will now be able use your credits to make your final Reward and Add-on selections.This will also be the last chance time to grab any extra add-on items at the discounted Kickstarter pricing before checkout!

We have also added some NEW and exclusive add-on items, only available to backers of this campaign!

Please feel free to reach out with any questions. I can't wait to get all of these in your hands!



To celebrate the Season 2 premiere of the Almost Heroes D&D stream, we are giving away sets of Dragon Dice tonight!

Follow the Almost Heroes Twitch Channel and tune in Tonight at 7pm Pacific US (GMT -7).

We would love to see you all there, make sure you say you came from Kickstarter :)

Come Hang Out and Enter to Win!